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Help a pregnant wall give birth

          Landscape Torment, a gritty world, woken up mysteriously only to face a dark tomb on a ritual slab built for you. An adventure built on 2-d designs played as if it were like fallout. However, some models are more fleshed out; for example, human models look smooth while corpses or monsters appear rigid and present malformations. The animation itself seems rigid, stiff, and direct; for example, you walk in straight lines, there are no turning animations, and most attack motions are inflexible and features no flow of action. Although animation appears stiff, It is still exciting. The combat, however, is flawed; you and your comrades would body-block each other, which prevents movement.

           The game highly emphasizes its creativity through surrealism and interactions. A floating skull as a companion was already weird enough, but having to help a wall give birth truly is random. The coding of the game itself comes from the Infinity Engine. It helps create the 2D environment in Planescape and is known for its gothic world-building. The game can be agitating combat wise, but it takes the cake from its unrivaled freedom of options among unique NPCs and interactions.

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